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Snow Emergency  Information

Updated 03/20/2018:  There seems to be a great deal of confusion regarding the snow parking regulations, so please allow us to clarify.  The Neptune Township ordinance regarding Snow Emergencies reads as follows:

7-7.3 Temporary Parking Prohibition for Snow Plowing and Removal

a. Whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the streets or highways, or whenever the Office of Emergency Management Coordinator, or designee, so declares an emergency in advance of an expected snowfall; a snow emergency shall exist and no vehicle, dumpster or roll-off canister shall be parked on any street or highway or portions thereof as follows:

1. Those streets designated as snow emergency streets herein.
3. Any street or highway posted as temporary no parking during a snow emergency event.

b. During a snow emergency, if off-street parking is available, any vehicle shall not be parked on any street or road, notwithstanding the designation as a snow emergency street in subsection 7-7.3a above.

c. A snow emergency shall remain in full effect until canceled by the Emergency Management Coordinator, or designee. Such cancellation to be communicated to the public through various media outlets.

Although this conflicts with directives provided during previous storms, the current snow parking regulations for the Township with the exception of Ocean Grove are no parking on the even-numbered side of the street.  We appreciate our residents pointing out this conflicting information, and we are working to correct this issue. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with the current ordinances.

Four Steps to Safety

A guide provided by the Neptune Township Office of Emergency Management.

  • Find out what could happen to you
  • Create a disaster plan
  • Complete the check list
  • Practice and maintain your plan

Click below to read, review and print the comprehensive guide produced by the Neptune Township Office of Emergency Management.  In addition to providing details to the above, the manual describes hazards most likely to impact Neptune residents and visitors.

Emergency Guides:  Severe weather such as hurricanes can be dangerous killers. Learning the hurricane warning messages and planning ahead can reduce the chances of injury or major property damage.

Guide to Severe Weather prepared by Neptune Township Office of Emergency Management